
Food Service

Ready for Service
CoS Parramatta
Gift Hampers
What We Offer

Rice & Curry






  • Paramatta
  • Every Saturday Afternoon

    12 PM
  • LiverPool
  • Every Saturday Afternoon

    12 PM
  • Blacktown
  • Every Sunday Evening

    5 PM
Who We Are

The Paramatta Team

Most people believe that compassion is a rare gift that only a few possess. However, this is not true. Love and compassion are parts of our basic nature and as humans it is natural for us to show these feelings. Compassion is innate in us all and if we could all just discover this inherent trait we possess, then the world will be a better place to live in.


The Liverpool Team

Our journey of compassion started with an inspiring quote from a holy book. In Australia, we started seeing the homeless and the hungry on the streets of Sydney and realised we had to do something here. The task was daunting and immense and as individuals it would have been impossible but collectively we joined our hearts and hands to unite in the service of humanity.


The Blacktown Team

God has directed us and we move and act according to his will. And He has brought many souls to join us. And they have discovered the compassion in their hearts. We encourage people to come forward in helping the community as volunteers and experience the emotions of sensation with you. - Clans of Compassion on Souls.

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